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In keeping with the mission of connecting parents and students with experts who can assist them, the GWA Office of College Counseling will be hosting an Evening with the Experts Event on March 27. The GWA Office of College Counseling has invited a representative from GA Futures, two members of the Financial Aid Office of Emory University, an Admissions Counselor from Georgia College and an administrator from Truett McConnell, GWA’s dual enrollment partner, to share their expertise with parents and students.

Topics will include presentations on How to Navigate and Use GA Futures, Information on the HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarships, Understanding Student Aid Reports, How do Colleges Slice the Financial Aid Pie?, Holistic Admissions: How are the different parts of an application evaluated? and Dual Enrollment: Is it right for me?  Presentations have specific audiences in mind: Parents of Seniors, Parents of ninth-eleventh graders, senior students, etc.

The evening kicks off at 6 p.m. on March 27 in the Upper School Commons. Parents and students will be placed into one of four groups according to grade level. They will then rotate to one of four 30-minute presentations that have been designed specifically to address their needs. The college counseling team will also be on hand to answer questions. Keep an eye on your inbox as there will be more information to follow.

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