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"Band is not proud because it performs well; it performs well because it is proud."
George Parks


The George Walton Academy Band offers a complete artistic experience through the world of music. We believe students grow and become more meaningful citizens in our society through the opportunities they receive during their time with our program. GWA offers many ensembles that enrich our students' lives.



The following students had the honor of representing George Walton Academy at the GMEA All-State Band. They went through a two-part, very competitive, audition process against the best band students across the entire state of Georgia and qualified for the group.

Pictured left-right: Isaac Osei, Philip Mashburn, Mike Pulliam, Brooks Dokes, Gracie Wood, Nicole Volk,
Blakeney Sewell, Alex Carillo

Upper School:
Alex Carrillo
Brooks Dokes
Philip Mashburn
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Nicole Volk
Gracie Wood 
Blakeney Sewell * 1st Alternate 
Middle School:
Isaac Osei


Upper School
Alex Aull * 1st Chair
Alex Carrillo
Brokes Dokes *1st Chair
Body Lindsey
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Gracie Wood


Middle School
Luke Lewis
Philip Mashburn




Pictured left-right: Brooks Dokes, Eli Scornik, Bailey Croker, Claire Volk, Michael Pulliam, Brody Lindsey, and Alex Aull.
Upper School
Alex Aull * 1st Chair
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes* 1st Chair 
Brody Lindsey
Eli Scornik
Mike Pulliam
Claire Volk


Above, from left to right: Emma Barley, Gracie Wood, Will Bowick and Mason Lee.

Middle School
Emma Barley
Will Bowick
Mason Lee
Gracie Wood



Lydia Akin
Alex Aull
Alex Carrillo
Julie Cato
Brooks Dokes
Jason Dokes
Grace Pulliam
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Madison Smith
Vincent Tapia



Alex Aull
Vincent Tapia
Jason Dokes
Grace Pulliam
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes
Eli Scornik
Brody Lindsey
Madison Smith
Julie Cato
Nic Winters



Murphy Pulliam – First chair in state
Chad Richards
Grace Pulliam
Jason Dokes
Vincent Tapia – First chair in state
Alex Aull – First chair in state
Bailey Croker
Eli Scornik



Alex Aull
Vincent Tapia
Grace Pulliam
Jason Dokes
Tristan Gibbs
Murphy Pulliam
Jacob Weinstein



Grace Pulliam – First chair in state
Jason Dokes – First chair in state
Murphy Pulliam
Tristan Gibbs



Jarod Holland
Sable Thompson
Jessica Jarrett
Ishaan Dave
Eric Downing
Jason Dokes
Grace Pulliam – First chair in state



Robert Buice
Jarod Holland
Parker Ellison
Murphy Pulliam



Jarod Holland
Ben Phillips
Jacob Weinstein
Sam Carter
Bobby Buice
Parker Ellison



Lucas Jones
Will Folsom
Patrick Forrester
Jesse McConnell
Parker Ellison
Emily Myers
Bobby Buice
Reid Dickinson* – first chair in state
Caroline Halleck



Sam Stevens
Patrick Forrester
Charline Watson
Lucas Jones
Will Folsom
Michael Buice
Kyle Clements
Jesse McConnell
Reid Dickinson



Lloyd Ferguson
Jessie McConnell
Charline Watson
Lucas Jones
Patrick Forrester
Daniel Jones



Lloyd Ferguson
Jessie McConnell
Chris McCoy
Daniel Jones



Lloyd Ferguson
Chris McCoy



Lloyd Ferguson
Chris McCoy



Lloyd Ferguson


Emma Barley
Will Bowick
Julian Brown
Alex Carrillo
Julie Cato
Brooks Dokes
Mac Geoffroy
Ren Grimsley
Barbara Hammons
Lily Jennings
Luke Lewis
Jolie Lanier
Philip Mashburn
Michael Mealor
Keith Mims
Russel Moore
Timothy Pham
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Upper School 
Lydia Akin
Cole Aukes
Alex Aull
Emma Barley
Julian Brown
Will Bowick
Gabi Cason
Alex Carillo
Julie Cato 
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes
Barbara Hammons
Daniel Harkins
Jolie Lanier
Russel Moore
Eli Scornik
Madison Smith
Claire Volk
Gracie Wood
Middle School 
Luke Lewis
Michael Mealor
Philip Mashburn
Keith Mims
Zelig Miller
Ella Smith
Nicole Volk
Upper School 
Alex Aull
Alex Carrillo
Gabi Cason
Liam Chirrey
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes
Brody Lindsey
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Madison Smith
Claire Volk
Middle School
Emma Barley
Sarah Blackstone
Julian Brown
Will Bowick
Mac Geoffroy
Mason Lee
Alex McMunn
Zelig Miller
Jake Moore
Timothy Pham
Gracie Wood
Nicole Volk

Alex Carrillo
Julie Cato
Barbara Hammons
Mason Lee
Eli Scornik
Ben Sydnor
Gabbie Cason
Jolie Lanier
Sarah Blackstone
Claire Volk
Madison Smith
Will Bowick
Nico Jacoby
Brooks Dokes
Russel Moore
Gracie Wood
Emma Barley
Mike Pulliam
Robert Wilkinson
Daniel Harkins
Liam Chirrey
Lydia Akin
Nic Winters
Brody Lindsey
Vincent Tapia
Bailey Croker
Alex Aull
Jake Harrison
Cole Aukes
Ama Osei
Jason Dokes
Joseph Johnson
Grace Pulliam
Brenden Heyde

Sarah Blackstone
Aly Brown
Liam Chirrey
Gabrielle Cason
Alex Carrillo
Julie Cato
Barbara Hammons
Olivia Wood
Mason Lee
Nic Winters
Kene Pugh
Brody Lindsey
Madison Smith
Claire Volk
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Lydia Akin
Andrew Harlan
Jake Harrison
Bailey Peeples
Eli Lindsey
Shelly Miles
Vincent Tapia
Andrew Mappes
Alex Aull
Brenden Heyde
Jessica Cheatwood
Chad Richards
Jason Dokes
Joseph Johnson
Grace Pulliam
Eric Downing
Jack Thompson

Ama Osei
Jason Dokes
Joseph Johnson
Walker Chewning
Bailey Peeples
Michelle Miles
Eli Lindsey
Grace Pulliam
Brenden Heyde
Kelsi Holland
Jessica Cheatwood
Chad Richards
Justin Cohen
David Woody
Avery Harrison
Murphy Pulliam
Emilie Miles
Mackenzie Britt
Eric Downing
Tristan Gibbs
Jack Thompson
Lydia Akin
Cole Aukes
Alex Aull
Julie Cato
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes
Barbara Hammons
Jake Harrison
Brody Lindsey
Jenna Lo
Kene Pugh
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Madison Smith
Vincent Tapia
Nic Winters

Lydia Akin
Alex Aull
Andrew Harlan
Brenden Heyde
Avery Lewis
Brody Lindsey
Eli Lindsey
Michelle Miles
Vincent Tapia
Jake Kim
Curtis Reep
Joseph Johnson
Chad Richards
Emilie Miles
Brandt Winters
Grace Pulliam
Eric Downing
Jason Dokes
Mackenzie Britt
Kelsi Holland
David Woody
Justin Cohen
Murphy Pulliam
Jacob Weinstein
Chuma Atunzu
Tristan Gibbs

Parker Ellison
Caroline Halleck
Jessica Jarrett
Chuma Atunzu
Jacob Weinstein
Kelley Delchamps
Anna Kate Pulliam
Adam Reep
Sarah Jarrett
Jackson Conner
Tristan Gibbs
Justin Cohen
Chad Richards
Avery Harrison
Murphy Pulliam
David Woody
Eric Downing
Mackenzie Britt
Alex Aull
Eli Lindsey
Grace Pulliam
Jason Dokes
Andrew Harlan
Walker Chewning

Jarod Holland
Emily Myers
Sable Thompson
Caroline Halleck
Jessica Jarrett
Ishaan Dave
Adam Reep
Robert Buice
Parker Ellison
Avery Harrison
Jackson Conner
Sarah Jarrett
Joe Ashley
Kelley Delchamps
Matt Folsom
Kelsi Holland
Ben Phillips
Justin Cohen
Jacob Weinstein
Murphy Pulliam
Sam Carter
Chuma Atunzu
Tristan Gibbs
David Arrue
Grant Curlew
Jason Dokes
Eric Downing
Emilie Miles
Thomas Murphy
Grace Pulliam
Robert Testa

Justin Cohen
Chad Richards
Avery Harrison
Dilys Osei
Mackenzie Britt
Eric Downing
Preston Wilson
Margaux Allen
Bryant Bolds
Murphy Pulliam
Grace Pulliam
Grant Curlew
Emily Turner
Jarod Holland
Tori Wright
Bobby Buice
Warren Krit
Sam Stevens
Joe Powell
Sable Thompson
Ishaan Dave
Daniel Hodges
Kyle Clements
Anna Kate Pulliam
Caroline Halleck
Jessica Jarrett
Adam Reep
Jacob Weinstein
Jackson Conner
Sarah Jarrett
Parker Ellison
Kelley Delchamps
Chuma Atunzu

Mackenzie Britt
Sam Carter
Casey Carrell
Justin Cohen
Chad Miles
Ben Phillips
Jacob Weinstein
Patrick Forrester
Bobby Buice
Caroline Halleck
Kelsey Cohen
Jarod Holland
Jackson Conner
Warren Krit
Kyle Clements
Andrew Maxwell
Ishaan Dave
Sam Stevens
Parker Ellison
Sable Thompson
Joe Powell

Caroline Halleck
Jessica Jarrett
Rachel Morrell
Obie Lindsey
Matthew Kelly
Jackson Conner
Andrew Maxwell
Parker Ellison
Sam Carter
Tori Wright
Ishaan Dave
Matthew Salley
Will Folsom
Daniel Hodges
Heather Jenkins
Joe Powell
Jarod Holland
Reid Dickinson
Jack Camp
Kyle Clements
Sam Stevens
Warren Krit
Patrick Forrester
Bobby Buice
Joe Ashley

Rachel Morrell
Ishaan Dave
Jessica Jarrett
Joe Ashley
Bobby Buice
Sable Thompson
Emily Myers
Parker Ellison
Reid Dickinson
Michael Buice
Daniel Hodges
Kelsey Cohen
Mike Thompson
Lucas Jones
Will Folsom
Matthew Moore
Matthew Salley
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Charline Watson
Jesse McConnell
Sam Stevens
Patrick Forrester
Jack Camp
Kyle Clements

Lucas Jones
Will Folsom
Matthew Salley
Matthew Moore
Michael Buice
Daniel Hodges
Alex Dodson
Kyle Clements
Josh Gonzales
Cody Solomon
Sam Stevens
Patrick Forrester
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Charline Watson
Jack Camp
Reid Dickinson
Jesse McConnell
Sable Thompson
Emily Myers
Beka Prather
Molly Devine
Kelsey Cox
Joe Powell
Len Young
Ishaan Dave
Kelsey Cohen
Joe Ashley

Daniel Jones
Lucas Jones
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Charline Watson
Lloyd Ferguson
Jesse McConnell
Alex Roberts
Elizabeth Gantt
Mathew Salley
Patrick Forrester
Kelsey Cox
David Poore
Sam Stevens
Kelsey Cohen
Kyle Clements
Lauren Robertson

Lloyd Ferguson
Jesse McConnell
Daniel Jones
Patrick Forrester
Lucas Jones
Chris McCoy
Charline Watson
Robert Willet
Lauren Robertson
Kelsey Cox
Basheer Tome
Cody Solomon

Lloyd Ferguson
Jesse McConnell
Kelsey Cox
Robert Willet
Chris McCoy
Elizabeth Gantt
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Charline Watson

Kelsey Cox
Chris McCoy
Lloyd Ferguson

Lloyd Ferguson

Lloyd Ferguson
Alex Aull *1st Chair
Lydia Akin
Alex Carrillo
Julie Cato
 Brody Lindsey* 1st Chair 
Claire Volk
Madison Smith
Nic Winters
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes
Mike Pulliam
Elik Scornik
Liam Chirrey
Cole Aukes
Gabi Cason
Jolie Lanier
Barbara Hammons
Russel Moore
Lydia Akin
Alex Aull
Cole Aukes
Alex Carrillo
Julie Cato
Bailey Croker
Brooks Dokes
Brenden Heyde
Brody Lindsey
Andrew Mappes
Shelly Miles 
Bailey Peeples
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Madison Smith
Nic Winters
Jason Dokes
Grace Pulliam
Ama Osei
Alex Aull
Vincent Tapia
Nic Winters
Brody Lindsey
Bailey Croker
Joseph Johnson
Bailey Peeples
Shelly Miles
Brenden Heyde
Lydia Akin
Andrew Mappes
Cole Aukes
Kaiya Samuel
Grace Pulliam
Jason Dokes
Chad Richards
Vincent Tapia
Walker Chewning
Emilie Miles
Jessica Cheatwood
Bailey Peeples
Brenden Heyde
Jack Thompson
Shelly Miles
Tristan  Gibbs
Murphy Pulliam
Grace Pulliam
Jason Dokes
Mackenzie Britt
Kelsi Holland
Jake Kim
Chad Richards
Curtis Reep
Eric Downing
Jessica Cheatwood
Lindsay Clements
Jacob Weinstein
Murphy Pulliam
Tristan Gibbs
Grace Pulliam
Chuma Atunzu
Brandt Winters
David Arrue
Mackenzie Britt
Justin Cohen
Ben Phillips
Kelsi Holland
Chad Richards
Jessica Cheatwood
Jack Thompson
Josh Wright
Anna Kate Pulliam
Ben Phillips
Chuma Atunzu
Brandt Winters
Tristan Gibbs
Justin Cohen
Jessica Jarrett
Kelley Delchamps
Mackenzie Britt
Sam Carter
Kelsi Holland
Jacob Weinstein
Murphy Pulliam
Sarah Jarrett
David Arrue
Jarod Holland
Emily Myers
Sable Thompson
Caroline Halleck
Ben Phillips
Jackson Conner
Jacob Weinstein
Ishaan Dave
Jessica Jarrett
Adam Reep
Mackenzie Britt
Sam Carter
Parker Ellison
Joe Ashley
Chuma Atunzu
Kelley Delchamps
Daniel Hodges
Tori Wright
Jessica Jarrett
Robert Buice
Jackson Conner
Parker Ellison
Warren Krit
Sam Stevens
Kyle Clements
Kelley Delchamps
Joe Powell
Jarod Holland
Sable Thompson
Emily Myers
Emily Turner
Cora Wilson
Caroline Halleck
Bobby Buice
Daniel Hodges
Kyle Clements
Jarod Holland
Kelsey Cohen
Warren Krit
Reid Dickinson
Rachel Morrell
Allison Doyle
Sam Stevens
Parker Ellison
Sable Thompson
Patrick Forrester
Cora Wilson
Caroline Halleck
Tori Wright
Beka Prather
Sam Stevens
Patrick Forrester
Heather Jenkins
Sable Thompson
Jarod Holland
Reid Dickinson
Warren Krit
Bobby Buice
Kyle Clements
Cora Wilson
Matt Salley
Emily Myers
Kelsey Cohen
Allison Doyle
Kyle Clements
Mike Thompson
Charline Watson
Patrick Forrester
Sam Stevens
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Lucas Jones
Will Folsom
Joanna Malcom
Jesse McConnell
Heather Jenkins
Elizabeth Gantt
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Charline Watson
Kelsey Cox
Jesse McConnell
Lucas Jones
Daniel Jones
Lucas Jones
Alex Roberts
Lloyd Ferguson
Jesse McConnell
Chris Elliott
Elizabeth Gantt
Jack Boyle
Ada Hicks
Michael Mealor
Ty O’lenick
Blakeney Sewell
Ella Smith
Alek Spoon
Julia Tanase
Quinn Thompson
Dustin Trinh
Nicole Volk
Ren Grimsley
Lily Jennings
Luke Lewis
Philip Mashburn
Michael Mealor
Zelig Miller
Timothy Pham
Blakeney Sewell
Ella Smith
Nicole Volk
Emma Barley
Philip Mashburn
Gracie Wood
Mason Lee
Mac Geoffroy
Sara Blackstone
Will Bowick
Jake Moore
Lily Jennings
Zelig Miller
Emma Barley
Alex Carrillo
Gabi Cason
Julie Cato
Liam Chirrey
Brooks Dokes
Barbara Hammons
Daniel Harkins
Jolie Lanier
Russel Moore
Mike Pulliam
Eli Scornik
Madison Smith
Claire Volk
Bailey Croker
Brody Lindsey
Eli Scornik
Brooks Dokes
Nic Winters
Kene Pugh
Julie Cato
Gabbi Cason
Madison Smith
Mike Pulliam
Barbara Hammons
Chase Malcom
Claire Volk
Aly Brown
Liam Chirrey 
Alex Aull
Vincent Tapia
Lydia Akin
Cole Aukes
Bentley Bush
Bailey Croker
Brody Lindsey
Kene Pugh
Nic Winters
Jake Harrison
Austin Schorr
Abby McMunn
Benton Doster
Alex Aull – First Chair
Vincent Tapia
Lexi Gosman
Andrew Harlan
Shelly Miles – First Chair
Lydia Akin
Georgia White
Evan Fennell
Brenden Heyde
Eli Lindsey
Grace Pulliam
Jason Dokes
Walker Chewning
Emily Thrower
Grant Curlew
Grace Pulliam
Grace Conner
Emilie Miles
Curtis Reep
Chad Richards
Jason Dokes
Thomas Murphy
Lindsay Clements
Avery Harrison
Jessica Cheatwood
Murphy Pulliam
Tristan Shelnutt
Mackenzie Britt
Chad Richards
Mark Eisner
Curtis Reep
Grant Curlew
Preston Wilson
Justin Cohen
David Arrue
Justin Cohen
Mackenzie Britt
Matthew Folsom
Casey Carrell
Ben Phillips
Sam Carter
Jacob Weinstein
Logan Christian
Preston Wilson
Parker Ellison
Jessica Jarrett
Caroline Halleck
Obie Lindsey
Jackson Conner
Matthew Kelly
Andrew Maxwell
Anna Kate Pulliam
Casey Carrell
Jacob Weinstein
Oggie Parry
Sam Carter
Rachel Morrell
Ben Phillips
Steven Pierce
Reid Dickinson
Parker Ellison
Sable Thompson
Bobby Buice
Emily Myers
Jessica Jarrett
Caroline Halleck
Ishaan Dave
Joe Ashley
Matthew Kelly
McKenna Parker
Joe Switay
Sam Stevens
Michael Buice
Kyle Clements
Reid Dickinson
Beka Prather
Sable Thompson
Daniel Hodges
Joe Powell
Brandon Coe
Joe Ashley
Jack Camp
Michael Buice
Reid Dickinson
Beka Prather
Sam Stevens
Kyle Clements
Sable Thompson
Daniel Hodges
Joe Powell
Brandon Coe
Joe Ashley
Jack Camp
Patrick Forrester
Sam Stevens
Lauren Robertson
Kelsey Cohen
Cody Solomon
Len Young
Kyle Clements
Joe Powell
Bekah Prather
Allison Doyle
Alex Dodson
Michael Buice
Lauren Robertson
Patrick Forrester
Mathew Salley
Will Folsom
Allison Doyle
Jesse McConnell
Taylor Pruitt
Patrick Forrester
Mike Thompson
Jesse McConnell
Mathew Moore
Will Folsom

Every fall, the Marching Bulldog Band, comprised of approximately 60 members, excites the crowd at football games and also competes every year in at least three to four events/competitions. This provides opportunities for our students to be a part of the best possible experiences and venues around the southeast.


Also in the fall, we have four concert bands that are made up of a fifth-grade beginning band: the GWA Bullpup Band, a sixth-grade intermediate band: the Concert Ensemble, the Symphonic Band made up of seventh to twelfth-grade students,  and the Symphonic Winds made up of the most advanced students in our band program. Some of the other aspects of our program that we are very proud of are the Private Lessons studios, our Upper School Mentoring Lessons, our Spring Recital, our Percussion Class, the Bulldog Basketball Band, and our Student Leadership Team.

Our Private Lessons Studio enables students to have weekly appointments with trained professionals who are hand-selected by our directors. There is a small weekly fee for these lessons that the students/parents arrange with the private instructors.

The Upper School Mentoring Lessons give our older band students a chance to mentor our beginning and intermediate level students on their instruments. We are very proud to offer this because the younger students are the lifeblood of our program and we want them to feel that they have every chance to be a big part of our band family.

To culminate all the progress made during this private instruction, we have our Spring Recital that showcases the talents and hard work of our students who study privately. This is a wonderful event that has grown in size from 15 to 45 student performances in the past 18 years.

The Student Leadership Team is one of our proudest achievements at GWA. Students audition for the privilege to serve their peers throughout the school year in all aspects of daily student life. We train these student leaders during the summer at an intense retreat designed specifically for them. We work throughout the school year to sharpen their skills. We believe that this is a key element in developing better citizens for our future as well as our band program. Studies have shown vast improvements in grades and test scores, and even more importantly,  these students tell us the program not only helps them gain acceptance to college, but they thrive there.

Under the direction of Christian Smith, the overall program has grown from 31 to 190 members in fifth through twelfth grades. Mr. Smith has been recognized by the National Band Association, GMEA, and the Board of Advisors for the Dixie Classic as an outstanding contributor to music education and excellence in music. 



2020- Resurgence… From the Ashes 

Mvt. 1 Mahler
Mvt. 2 From the Ashes
Mvt. 3 Firebird of Eternal Glory
Mvt. 4 Shost'n Awe


Blue Ridge Marching Invitational
Grand Champions
1st Open Class
1st Place Drum Major
1st Place Guard
3rd Place Percussion

West Forsyth Wolverine Classic
Grand Champions
1st Place Band
1st place Drum Major
2nd Place Guard
2nd Place Percussion

Super Bowl of Sound
Grand Champions
1st General Effect
1st Place Visual
1st Place Music
1st Place Brass
1st Place Percussion Open Class
2nd Place Guard Open Class

2019 - La Danza De Los Toros

Mvt. 1      A Mis Abuelos
Mvt. 2/3  Concerto de Danzon
Mvt. 4      Malagueña


Jacksonville State University Competition Champions
3rd Place Overall
1st Place Band in Division
2nd Place Guard in Division
1st Place Percussion in Division
1st Place Drum Major in Division
Overall Class Champion

Georgia State University Marching Contest
2nd Place Class 3A
3rd Place Color Guard 3A
3rd Place Percussion 3A
Brody Lindsey- recipient of the Conn-Selmer Soloists Award

Northwest Georgia Marching Championship
Straight Superiors in Drum Major, Guard, Percussion, and Band
1st in Class Drum Major
2nd in Class Guard
1st in Class Open Band
1st place Visual Overall
1st place Brass Overall
2nd Overall

2016 – Carpe Noctem

Mvt. 1 Creep
Mvt. 2 Dies Irae
Mvt. 3 Once Upon A Nightmare
Mvt. 4 Medea


Yellow Jacket Classic – Rockmart, GA
Superior Band
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
Overall Top Drum Major
Overall Grand Champions 

Contest of Champions – Jacksonville, AL
Superior Band
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drum Line
Superior Drum Major
5th Overall

U.S. Bands West Georgia Regional – Allatoona, GA
Superior Band
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drum Line
Superior Drum Major
4th Overall

U.S. Bands Southern States Championships – Chattanooga, TN
Superior Band
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drum Line
Superior Drum Major
3rd Overall

2015 – ……Final Frontier

Mvt. 1 – Journey to Mars
Mvt. 2 – Lost in Space
Mvt. 3 – Jupiter Man
Mvt. 4 – Welcome Home Major Tom


Blue Ridge Mountain Marching Festival – Blue Ridge, GA
Superior Band
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
Overall Top Drum Major
Second Overall in competition 

Contest of Champions – Jacksonville, AL
Superior Band
Superior Color Guard
Superior Percussion
Superior Drum Major
2nd overall Percussion for entire competition
4th Overall in competition 

East Georgia Marching Festival & Championship – Statesboro, GA
Superior Drumline
Superior Guard
Superior Drum Major
Superior Band
2015 Overall Class & Overall Grand Champions

US Bands Southern States Championships – Chattanooga, TN
2nd Overall

2014  - The Boxer

Mvt. 1 – The Contender/Reflections
Mvt. 2 – Training Day
Mvt. 3 – The Boxer 
Mvt. 4 – The Main Event


US Bands Georgia Regional – Mt. Airy, GA
Group VI Open – 1st place
Group VI Open – Best Visual
Group VI Open – Best Overall Effect
Overall Champion

Contest of Champions – Jacksonville, AL
Superior Band
Superior Color Guard
Superior Percussion
1st place Color Guard Diamond Class
2nd Place Percussion Diamond Class
1st Place Overall Band Diamond Class
Overall High General Effect
John T. Finley High Music Award
Overall Grand Champions for Entire Competition

McEachern Marching Invitational – Powder Springs, GA
1st Place Class AAAAA
Gold Division Champion
High Music Gold Division
Grand Champion Award

US Bands Southern States Championships – Chattanooga, TN
Group VI Open – 1st place
Group VI Open – Best Percussion
Group VI Open – Best Music
Group VI Open – Best Overall Effect
Overall 2014 Southern States Champions

US Bands National Championships – East Rutherford, NJ
Group VI Open – 3rd Place
Group VI Open – 1st place in Music

2013 –  Les Miserables’

Mvt. 1 – Les Mis Opener
Mvt. 2 – On My Own
Mvt. 3 – Attack on Rue Plummet
Mvt. 4 – Do You Hear The Revolution


Georgia Mountain Music Festival – Mt. Airy, GA
Superior Guard
Superior Percussion
Superior Drum Major
Superior Band
Overall Top Percussion
Overall Top Drum Major
Overall Top Marching Performance
Overall Top Music
Overall Top General Effect
2013 Georgia Mountain Music Series – GRAND CHAMPIONS

Southern Invitational Music Festival – Marietta, GA
Superior Guard
Superior Percussion
Superior Drum Major
Superior Band
Overall Top General Effect
Overall 2nd Place

US Bands Marine Corps Invitational – Johns Creek, GA
Overall Top Music
Overall 2013 Grand Champions

US Bands Southern States Championship – Chattanooga, TN
Fourth Place Overall
Class 6 Open Champions

2012 – 007…….Reloaded: 

The Name is Bond
Bond Ballad
Welcome to Cuba
The Rundown


Southern States Championship – Chattanooga, TN
3rd Overall for Class 6A

Lafayette Marching Festival – Fayetteville, GA
2nd in Open Class

US Bands Georgia Regional – John’s Creek, GA
1st overall in General Effect
2nd  in class VI Open and overall

2011 – The Carmen Project: 

Carmen Overture
Jazzyeador (Toreador’s Song)
Carmen Closer


USSBA Southern States Championship – Chattanooga, TN 
1st in Class VI Open
1st Overall in Music
1st Overall Effect
1st Percussion
3rd Overall in Visual
Highest Score in entire competition to become 2011 USSBA SOUTHERN STATES CHAMPIONS!!

Mustang Marching Invitational – Guyton, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Drum Line
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
Overall Top Drum Major
Overall Top Drum Line
Overall Top Color Guard
Overall Top Music
Overall Top General Effect
Overall Top Marching

Blue Ridge Mountain Marching Classic – Blue Ridge, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Drum Line
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
Top Drum Major for Entire Competition
3rd in Class 4A
4th Overall


2010 – Maestro!:

Canon – Pachelbel
Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra – Britten
Nessun Dorma – Puccini
Pagliacci – Leoncavallo
Canon Finale – various

USSBA National Championships – Annapolis, MD
2nd in Class VI Color Guard
Best Overall Effect
Best Overall Percussion
Best Overall Music
1st Place in Class VI 2010 USSBA Class VI NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!
5th highest score in the nation out of 98 qualifying bands!!

Contest of Champions – Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL
Superior Drum Major
Superior Percussion
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
3rd in Open Class (Semifinals) Chosen as a finalist for Contest of Champions
3rd Overall in Competition out of 19 bands
2nd Overall Drum Major
3rd Overall Color Guard
3rd Overall Percussion

Valhalla Classic Marching Band Competition – Newnan, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Percussion
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
2nd in class 4A
3rd Overall in Competition

Georgia Bandmasters Championships – Cumming, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drumline
Superior Band
Best Overall Drum Major Class AAAA
Best Overall Band Class AAAA
Best Overall Percussion for Entire competition
Best Overall Drum Major for entire competition
Sweepstakes Award Winner – Gold Division Grand Champions!
Highest Score Overall For Entire Competition!

2009 – Rhythms on the Edge of Time:

On The Waterfront
Someone to Watch Over the House
2 Tribes
Legend of the One-Eyed Sailor

G.I.S.A Invitational Marching & Pep Band Competition – Norcross, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Drumline
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
1st Place Drum Major AAA Class
1st Place Color Guard AAA Class
1st Place Drumline AAA Class
1st Place Band AAA Class
Overall Champion for G.I.S.A 2009!!

Southern Invitational Music Festival – Marietta, GA
4th overall Percussion in entire competition
3rd overall Color Guard in entire competition
3rd Overall in Class AAAA Band
4th Overall for the entire competition
High Visual Award for entire competition!!

USSBA Southern States Championship – Chattanooga, TN
1st Place Percussion Class VI Open
1st Place Music Class VI Open
1st Place Overall Effect Class VI Open
1st Overall Class VI Open Champions

2008 – El Dia Del Toro:

El Toro Caliente
La Danza

Super Bowl of Sound – Carrollton, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Drumline
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
3rd Place Drum Major Open Class
1st Place Color Guard Open Class
4th Overall in Competition out of 22 Bands
GWA Color Guard finished 1st overall for entire competition!!

G.I.S.A Invitational Marching & Pep Band Competition – Norcross, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Drumline
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
1st Place Drum Major AAA Class
1st Place Drumline AAA Class
1st Place Color Guard AAA Class
1st Place Band AAA Class
Overall Champion for G.I.S.A 2008!

Contest of Champions – Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL
Superior Drum Major
Superior Drumline
Superior Color Guard
Superior Band
1st Place Drum Major Open Class
2nd Place Drumline Open Class
1st Place Color Guard Open Class
1st Place Band Open Class
2nd Overall in Prelims
1st Place Overall Drum Major in Finals
3rd Place Overall Color Guard in Finals
3rd Place Overall Drumline in Finals
Overall High General Effect in Finals
Overall Co-Champions in Finals!!!

USSBA Southern States Championship – Chattanooga, TN
Best Overall Color Guard Class 5 Open
Best Overall Music Class 5 Open
Best Overall Visual Class 5 Open
Best Overall General Effect Class 5 Open
2008 Southern States Class 5 Open Champions!!

USSBA National Championships – Annapolis, MD
4th Overall in Class 5 Open
Overall Score of 96.7
10th Overall in the entire Championship!!

2007 – Schizophonic:

Children’s Theme – Original by Richard Jones
The Alarm
Scootin on A Hard Rock – David Hollisnger
Fire of Eternal Glory – Dmitri Shostakovich
Blues and Fat Pickin’ – Donald Freund
Finale from Fifth Symphony – Dmitri Shostakovich

G.I.S.A Invitational Marching & Pep Band Competition – Norcross, GA
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
Superior Band
2nd Place Drumline Class AA
2nd Place Drum Major Class AA
2nd Place Color Guard Class AA
2nd Overall in Overall Competition, 2nd in GISA

Georgia Bandmasters Championships – Cumming, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Color Guard
Superior Drumline
Superior Band
Best Overall Drum Major Class AAAA
Best Overall Color Guard Class AAAA
Best Overall Band Class AAAA
Best Overall Drum Major for entire competition
Best Overall Color Guard for entire competition
Sweepstakes Award Winner – Gold Division Grand Champions!
Highest Score Overall For Entire Competition!

Lafayette Marching Classic 2007 – Fayetteville, GA
Superior Drum Major
Superior Color Guard
Superior Percussion
Superior Band
First Place Class AAAA Color Guard
First Place Class AAAA Band
Overall First Place Color Guard
Overall Second Place Drum Major
Overall First Place Band
Overall High General Effect Award
Overall High Music Award (Greg Miller Music Award)
Overall Grand Champions for 2007 Lafayette Marching Classic!!

Southern States Championship – Jefferson City, TN
Class VI Open (Largest Classification) – Finished Second Overall
Tied for First in High Music
Second Overall – Color Guard

2006 – Music Never Dies: The Music of James Bond

The Name is Bond
From Russia With Love
Welcome to Cuba
Bond Fugue
Bond Closer

GISA Invitational Marching & Pep Band Competition – Norcross, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
First in Class AAA Band
First in Class AAA Colorguard
First in Class AAA Drumline
First in Class AAA Drum Major
Overall Competition Champion for GISA 2006

Southern Star Invitational – Snellville, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
$300 Second Most Attendees
$100 Most Attendees per Band Student
First in Class AAA Band
First in Class AAA Drumline
First in Class AAA Colorguard
First in Class AAA Drum Major
First in Class AAA Best Music
First in Class AAA Best Visual Effect
First in Class AAA Best General Effect
Class AAA-AAAA Best in Show – Drum Major
Class AAA-AAAA Best in Show – Visual Effect
Class AAA-AAAA Best in Show – Overall Band
Class AAA-AAAA Best in Show – Gold Grand Championship!!!
Overall Champions with high scores in every category!!!

Contest of Champions – Murfreesboro, TN
Superior Band
12th Overall in a field of 21 bands


2005 – Jazz Conquest: A Sonic Journey

Channel One Suite
Lay it Down

3rd Annual Lassiter High School Marching Band Showcase 2005 – Marietta, GA
Excellent Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Percussion
Superior Drum Major
1st Overall Band – Class AA
1st Overall Colorguard – Class AA
1st Overall Percussion – Class AA
1st Overall Drum Major – Class AA
Best Music Award – Class AA
Best General Effect – Class AA

GISA Invitational Marching & Pep Band Competition 2005 – Norcross, GA
Superior Marching Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
1st Overall Band- Class AA
1st Overall Colorguard – Class AA
1st Overall Drumline – Class AA
1st Overall Drum Major – Class AA
Best Woodwinds
Best Brass
Best Drumline
Most Entertaining Hornline
Most Entertaining Auxiliaries
Best Overall Drum Major – PERFECT SCORE
Outstanding Soloist
Most Spirited Fans
Overall Competition Champion for GISA 2005

Eagles Nest Invitational 2005 – Suwanee, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
1st Overall Band – Class AAA
1st Overall Drum Major – Class AAA
4th Overall in Competition

Lafayette Marching Classic 2005- Peachtree City, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
1st Overall Band – Class AAAA
1st Overall Percussion – Class AAAA
1st Overall Drum Major – Class AAAA
Silver Division Champions – Classes (A-AAA)
2nd Overall in Competition


2004 – Dances Around the World

Arabian Dance
Sing, Sing, Sing

Southern Star Invitational 2004 – Snellville, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drumline
Superior Drum Major
1st Overall – Class AA
1st Overall Colorguard – Class AA
3rd Overall Drumline – Class AA
1st Overall Brass – Class AA
1st Overall Drum Major – Class AA
2nd Overall in all Classifications Grand Champion – Silver Division

Jacksonville State University Southern Classic 2004- Jacksonville, AL
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Percussion
Superior Drum Major
Best in Class – Class AA
3rd Overall in Competition

Georgia Bandmasters Championships 2004 – Cumming, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Percussion
Superior Drum Major
1st Overall Band – Class AA
2nd Overall Colorguard – Class AA
2nd Overall Percussion – Class AA
1st Overall Drum Major – Class AA
Sweepstakes Award (1st Overall in Class A-AA) – Silver Edition


2003 – A Latin Fantasy

A Mis Abuelos
Beautiful Maria
Mary Ann

Old South Marching Festival 2003 – Newnan, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drum Major
1st place Band – Class A
2nd place Percussion – Class A

Eagles Nest Invitational 2003 – Suwanee, GA
Excellent Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Percussion
Superior Drum Major
1st Runner Up – Class A
Drum Major Best in Class A

Southern Star Invitational 2003 – Snellville, GA
Superior Band Superior Colorguard
Excellent Drumline
Superior Drum Major
1st Overall Band – Class AA
2nd Place Colorguard – Class AA
1st place Front Ensemble – Class AA
Best in Show Drum Major
Overall Grand Champion – Silver Division


2002 – Shades of Love

Moon Dance
Autumn Leaves
When A Man Loves A Woman

Old South Marching Festival 2002 – Newnan, GA
Superior Band
Superior Colorguard
Superior Drum Major
2nd place Colorguard- Class A
2nd place Percussion – Class A
1st place Drum Major – Class A

Eagles Nest Invitational 2002 – Suwanee, GA
Excellent Band – Festival Rating
Superior Band – Competition Rating
Superior Colorguard
Superior Majorettes
Superior Drum Major
Best in Class A Band
Best in Class A Colorguard
Best in Class A Majorettes


2001 – Gladiator

Xena: Warrior Princess
Now We Are Free
Gladiator Closer

Old South Marching Festival 2001 – Newnan, GA
Excellent Band

Eagles Nest Invitational 2001 – Suwanee, GA
Excellent Band
Superior Drum Major
Superior Colorguard


2000 – Music of Zorro

La Malientas De Las Torros
Zorro’s Theme
La Pantera

Greater Atlanta Marching Festival 2000 – Conyers, GA
Superior Band
Superior Drumline
Superior Majorette


1999 – James Bond

James Bond Opener
You Only Live Twice
Live and Let Die

John Philip Sousa Award

Brooks Dokes  2020-2021
Brody Lindsey 2019-2020
Alex Aull 2018-2019
Michelle Miles 2017-2018
Grace Pulliam 2016-2017
Curtis Reep 2015-2016
Murphy Pulliam 2014-2015
Jacob Weinstein 2013-2014
Jessica Jarrett 2012-2013
Sable Thompson 2011-2012
Sam Stevens 2010-2011
Patrick Forrester 2009-2010
Jesse McConnell 2008-2009
Jennifer Torsiglieri 2007-2008
Lloyd Ferguson 2006-2007
Daniel Norton Jones 2005-2006
Charlotte Louise Fekete 2002-2003
William Jackson Burris 2000-2001
Kenneth Paul Mobley 1999-2000
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
Eli Scornik 2020-2021
Brookes Dokes 2019-2020
Cole Aukes 2018-2019
Alex Aull 2018-2018
Jason Dokes 2016-2017
Jason Dokes 2015-2016
Tristan Gibbs 2014-2015
Chuma Atunzu 2013-2014
Caroline Halleck 2012-2013
Parker Ellison 2012-2013
Jarod Holland 2011-2012
Caroline Halleck 2011-2012
Kyle Clements 2010-2011
Kyle Clements 2009-2010
Will Folsom 2008-2009
Jesse McConnell 2007-2008
Charline Watson 2007-2008
Lucas Jones 2006-2007
Christopher David McCoy 2005-2006
Robert Turner Willet 2004-2005
Philip Alan Cook 2004-2005
Drew Breedlove 2003-2004
John Franklin Autry 2000-2001
Director’s Award
Helen Menard 2020-2021
Madison Smith 2019-2020
Lydia Akin 2018-2019
Lydia Akin  2017-2018
Awurra Ama Serwaah Osei 2016-2017
Grace Pulliam 2015-2016
Mackenzie Britt 2014-2016
Ben Phillips 2013-2014
Kelley Delchamps 2012-2013
Jarod Holland 2011-2012
Mike Thompson 2010-2011
Sam Stevens 2009-2010
Mike Thompson 2008-2009
Lucas Jones 2007-2008
Chris Elliott 2006-2007
David Michael Poore 2005-2006
Daniel Norton Jones 2004-2005
Chrissie Paula Fekete 2003-2004
Nigel Conton 2002-2003
Charlotte Louise Fekete 2001-2002
Jennifer Levy 2000-2001
National Marching Band Award
Jolie Lanier 2020-2021
Jolie Lanier 2019-2020
Brody Lindsey 2018-2019
Brenden Heyde  2017-2018
Michelle Miles  2016-2017
Jake Kim 2015-2016
Justin Cohen 2014-2015
Brandt Winters 2013-2014
Tristan Gibbs 2013-2014
Anna Kate Pulliam 2012-2013
Jackson Conner 2012-2013
Jessica Jarrett 2011-2012
Robert Buice 2010-2011
Sara Smith 2009-2010
Patrick Forrester 2008-2009
Joanna Malcom 2007-2008
Elizabeth Gantt 2006-2007

National School Color Guard Award

Julie Cato 2020-2021
Izzy Ott  2017-2018
Alexis Gosman  2016-2017
Gracie Conner 2015-2016
Ryan Hayn Super Bandsmen
Chad Richards 2015-2016
Kelsi Holland 2014-2015
David Arrue 2013-2014
Sarah Jarrett 2012-2013
Kelley Delchamps 2011-2012
Warren Kritsainachaiwanich 2010-2011
Sam Stevens 2008-2009
Sam Stevens 2007-2008
Jennifer Torsiglieri 2006-2007
Super Bandsmen
Madison Smith 2020-2021
Bailey Croker 2019-2020
Bailey Croker 2018-2019
Andrew Mappes  2017-2018
Student Choice Award
Lydia Akin 2018-2019
Alex Aull 2018-2019
Jason Dokes
Grace Pulliam
Ama Osei – Runner-Up
Justin Cohen
Mackenzie Britt
Murphy Pulliam – Runner Up
Mackenzie Britt
Jacob Weinstein
Caroline Hallack
Adam Reep
Sam Stevens
Patrick Forrester
Daniel Hodges Runner-Up
Sam Stevens
Jesse McConnell
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Lucas Jones
Sara Smith Runner-up
Jennifer Torsiglieri
Lucas Jones
Section Leader of the Year
Alex Aull 2018-2019
Trey Robinson 2015-2016
Justin Cohen 2014-2015
David Arrue 2013-2014
David Arrue 2012-2013
Jessica Jarrett 2011-2012
Kyle Clements 2010-2011
Beka Prather 2009-2010
Mike Thompson 2008-2009
Mike Thompson 2007-2008
Section of the Year
Mellophones 2018-2019
Low Brass 2017-2018
Percussion 2015-2016
Percussion 2014-2015
Trumpets 2013-2014
Trumpets 2012-2013
Horns 2011-2012
Trumpets 2010-2011
Clarinets 2009-2010
Horns 2008-2009
Horns 2007-2008
Low Brass 2006-2007
Low Brass 2005-2006
Trumpets 2004-2005
Low Brass 2003-2004
Horns 2002-2003

Click the link below for physical forms -


  Band Staff

Senior Brody Lindsey won the Conn-Selmer Outstanding Soloists Award at the 2nd Annual GSU Marching Band Competition on Oct. 26, 2019. He was awarded a round trip tour to the Conn-Selmer instrument factory in Indiana, money towards an instrument of his choice, and a scholarship to Georgia State University! 

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