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Career Day 2019

By Michael Clancy, Director of College Counseling

Remember how many times you were asked this question when you were younger: What do you want to be when you grow up? For some, this is a simple question that elicits a straightforward response. For others, this question creates more contemplation, and in some cases, anxiety. George Walton Academy is here to help. 

 On Friday, March 15, 40 individuals from the fields of healthcare, law, engineering, business and much more will visit the George Walton Academy to share their experience and insights with upper school students.

The purpose of Career Day is to allow students to get a deeper understanding of what a typical day in a certain occupation is like, what personality traits enable someone to be successful in that field, and the skills a student needs to strengthen in order to make themselves attractive to an employer in that field.

The event kicks off shortly after noon with a keynote presentation for the entire upper school in the Nicholson Center by Dessa Morris, Economic Development Coordinator for Walton County and Ben Stout from the Office of Congressman Jodie Hice. They will speak to students about the types of jobs that are expected to be in demand in the State of Georgia in 2025.

The keynote address will be followed by a series of four 30-minute presentations where students can choose from close to 40 sessions led by a person working in that career. For students with a strong idea of what they want to pursue, they can dive deeper. For others, they can start their exploration by sampling presentations in different fields. For students who are not sure which session to sign up for, we recommend they go to one they have never heard of!

The Counseling Office is grateful to those who rearranged their schedules to help GWA students in this endeavor. We also appreciate those who wanted to help but could not make themselves available.

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